1,172 research outputs found

    Prevalence and Associated Factors of Hypertension Among Civil Servants Working in Arba Minch Town, South Ethiopia

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    Despite Hypertension is a global public health challenge and a leading modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death attention was not given in developing countries. Therefore measuring the prevalence and identifying predictors of Hypertension is very important. Institution based cross sectional study design was employed from March–April, 2016 by taking 319 randomly selected civil servants working in in Arba Minch town. Data was collected using structured questionnaire and standardized instruments for physical examination by 5 trained nurses. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis. Bi-variable and Multivariate logistic regression was employed for analysis of risk factors. The mean SBP and DBP of study participants were 120.87 + 14.15 mmHg and 80.28 + 8.8 mmHg, respectively. The prevalence of hypertension was found to be 27.8% (95% CI = 22.9-32.7%). Civil servants of age 50 years and above [AOR = 13.3], age 40-49 years [AOR = 5], age 30-39 years [AOR = 3.5], abdominal obesity [AOR=12.2], general obesity [AOR = 4.2], stress status [AOR = 12.3], current alcohol drink [AOR = 3.3], ex-drinker [AOR = 8.9] and family history of hypertension [AOR = 5.6] were found to be significantly associated with hypertension. The prevalence indicates that it is hidden epidemic in this population; therefore for screening and risk reduction program are needed

    Sorption de l'atrazine et du diuron sur charbon actif en poudre en présence de tensioactifs, ions calcium et bichromate. Essai de modélisation

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    La contamination des eaux naturelles par les micropolluants organiques tels que les herbicides, nécessite le recours à des procédés très performants, en particulier l'adsorption sur charbon actif pour satisfaire aux normes de potabilité sur les eaux distribuées. Si le charbon actif en poudre (CAP) présente une bonne efficacité pour l'élimination des herbicides seuls dans l'eau distillée, la présence dans l'eau d'autres composés organiques et / ou minéraux aura pour conséquence la modification des paramètres de l'équilibre de l'adsorption du système initial et la modification des performances du matériau adsorbant. Cette étude a montré que le CAP utilisé présente une bonne affinité pour les deux herbicides étudiés (atrazine et diuron), dont les capacités d'adsorption, déterminées par le modèle de Langmuir, sont 1,42 et 1,72 mmol.g-1 respectivement. La présence de composés organiques tels que les tensioactifs anionique le dodécylsulfate de sodium (DSS), et cationique le bromure d'hexadécyl triméthyl ammonium (BHTA) provoque une forte diminution de la capacité d'adsorption des deux herbicides par le charbon actif. Le BHTA provoque l'effet le plus marqué, par contre, les ions calcium et bichromate n'ont pas d'influence sur l'adsorption des deux herbicides. Les essais de désorption ont montré que l'introduction des coadsorbats organiques provoque la désorption d'une partie de l'herbicide. Ce phénomène est accentué dans le cas du DSS en présence d'ions calcium. L'application de modèles simples de coadsorption, a permis de mettre en évidence l'existence presque exclusive de sites spécifiques d'adsorption pour chacun des substrats étudiés et une inhibition non compétitive due a une interdépendance possible entre les sites d'adsorption et une altération des interactions de chaque composé à la surface du charbon.Contamination of natural waters by organic micropollutants like pesticides requires the use of powdered activated carbon (PAC) during the flocculation step of water treatment. One of the main factors affecting the efficiency of this process is the presence in natural waters of organic and mineral compounds. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of two surfactants [(i) anionic (sodium dodecyl sulfate : SDS) and (ii) cationic (hexadecyl-trimethyl ammonium bromide : HTAB)], and two mineral ions (calcium and dichromate) upon atrazine and diuron adsorption on powderd activated carbon resulting from Chemviron Filtrasorb-400. The adsorption capacities on PAC of atrazine and diuron alone were determinated according to the Langmuir model for the isothermes (table I). They were estimated to be 1.42 and 1.72 mmol.g-1 respectly at pH 5.5. Coadsorption results pointed out that the herbicide adsorption was inhibited in the presence of surfactants whatever their nature (fig. 1 and 2).This inhibition was most importante with HTAB (45%), according to the zeta surface potential and the streric dimensions of molecules, than with SDS (23%) for atrazine . The same result was noted for diuron with an inhibition respectly of 15% for SDS and 27% for HTBA. Calcium and dichromate ions, each one with one herbicide had no effect. In any case, Langmuir isothermes were drawn and adsortion capacities were calculated with a good correlation (tables II and III). The influence of coadsorbats was always greatest for atrazine than for diuron. All the experiments were performed at pH=5.5, without influence upon the adsorption, even for the dichromate ions. Desorption tests showed that a part of adsorbed pesticides was desorbed with surfactants introduction (fig. 3) : with SDS 12.3% of atrazine and 8% of diuron against respectly 23% and 17% with HTBA. The phenomenon was increased with SDS in presence of calcium ions (fig. 4 and 5) according to the increase of SDS adsorption (table II and III). The use of two simple coadsorption models was reinforced by the calculated values obtained for adsoartion capacities (fig. 6 and 7) which were very closely with the experimental ones. The calculation of constantes given by the models confirmed the existence of specific sites of adsorption for every compound and a non competitive inhibition due to a change in the nature of the interactions between pesticides and activated carbon surface (table III)

    Adoption of improved technology in Ethiopia

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    One of the means by which farm level productivity can be increased is through the introduction and dissemination of improved agricultural technologies to farmers. This is possible if and only if, information on the adoption and risk taking behaviour of farmers is known in advance. While some studies have attempted to assess the factors behind the adoption behaviour of farmers, they have either been limited in scope or they focused on few selected locations and/or commodities. The objective of this study is to identify the factors, which exert significant influence on the adoption behaviour of farmers and the intensity of adoption from a nation survey. A total of 1920 farm household heads drawn from four National Regional States were included in the survey. The result shows that younger farmers, famers with larger land size, farmer living closer to market, and farmers who had closer contact with the extension system are more likely to adopt new technology and use it more. The result underscores the need for research and extension programs to be sensitive to the needs of farmers when developing and disseminating technologies that are relevant to their agro‐ecologies

    Small ruminant health intervention calendar in Ethiopia

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    Influence du dodécylsulfate de sodium sur l'adsorption des acides humiques sur charbon actif en poudre

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    L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier l'influence d'un tensioactif anionique, le dodécylsulfate de sodium (DSS) sur l'adsorption d'acides humiques (AH), sur le charbon actif en poudre (CAP).L'adsorption sur CAP, en fonction du temps, des AH seuls, puis du DSS seul, a été effectuée en réacteur discontinu, à différents pH (7,0 et 10,5). Les mêmes expériences ont été réalisées avec le mélange des deux composés et l'on a pu constater une inhibition réciproque de leur adsorption, moins importante à pH basique (10,5).L'influence de l'ordre d'introduction des coadsorbats, sur l'adsorption de chacun d'eux, a permis de montrer que l'inhibition de l'adsorption des AH sur CAP par le DSS est encore plus importante lorsque les AH sont ajoutés sur une suspension DSS-CAP déjà en équilibre. Aucune désorption du DSS n'a pu être mise en évidence après 24 heures. Ces résultats pourraient permettre de conclure à une adsorption « compétitive » des AH et du DSS sur les mêmes sites superficiels du charbon actif.Ce travail permet de préciser les phénomènes d'adsorption pouvant intervenir entre divers micropolluants susceptibles de s'adsorber simultanément soit sur des sédiments naturels, soit sur charbon actif lors du traitement des eaux naturelles.The removal of humic acids (HA) from natural waters is a very old yet modern problem : humic substances are at the origin of the coloration of water but also, they give off nocive trihalomethanes during chlorination.Humic acids are also known to be a metal micropollutant vector and their behavior is not well defined when there is coadsorption.The purpose of this work was to study the effect of an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), on the adsorption on powdered activated carbon (PAC) of humic substances from a commercial source, as a function of the pH (7.0 or 10.5), as well as the effect of the order of introduction of the coadsorbate.Results (fig. 1 to 3 and fig. 6) showed an inhibition of the adsorption for both HA and SDS in the presence of the coadsorbate. The inhibition was more significant for a pH = 7.0.Results of the influence of the order of introduction of the coadsorbate on the adsorption (fig. 4 and 5) showed a more significant inhibition of HA adsorption when HA were introduced into the equilibrium suspension SDS-PAC (the contact lime was 24 hours).Table 1 gives parameter values of the Langmuir equation for the adsorption on PAC of HA atone or with SDS.All these results suggest that a competition on the same sites occurs during the adsorption on PAC of HA and SDS

    Thoracic empyema: Cause and Treatment Outcome at Gondar University Teaching Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia

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    Background: Despite improved antimicrobial therapy and multiple options for drainage of infected pleural space, thoracic empyema (TE) continues to cause significant morbidity and mortality. The objectives of this study were to assess the causes and treatment outcome of patients with thoracic empyema.Methods: Patients aged ≥ 13year with TE who were admitted to Gondar University Teaching Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, from Nov 1999 to Dec 2007 were included. Retrospectively, medical records were reviewed and demographic and clinical data were collected.Results: Records of 81 patients were analyzed; majority (82%) were below the age 50 year. The mean duration of symptoms prior to presentation and hospital stay was 97.4 and 38days, respectively. HIV/AIDS was detected in 60%. Causes of empyema were pulmonary tuberculosis (56%), pneumonia (36%) and lung abscess (7%). Closed chest tube was inserted in 86% of cases and was successful in 93% of them. Case-fatality was 12% and poor outcome occurred in 26%.Conclusions: Early identification of TE and aggressive management with antibiotics or antituberculosis, drainage with chest tube, and surgical treatment when closed tube drainage fails is recommended to improve the high mortality and morbidity

    Étude de l'adsorption de l'atrazine sur le charbon actif en poudre en présence de tensioactifs

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    Les tensioactifs, adjuvants participant à la formulation des pesticides peuvent se trouver en compétition avec ces derniers lors de l'adsorption sur charbon actif en poudre (CAP) utilisé au cours du traitement de potabilisation des eaux. L'adsorption de l'atrazine, qui reste l'un des produits phytosanitaires le plus souvent détecté dans les eaux de surface malgré les réglementations sur son utilisation, a été étudiée en présence de trois tensioactifs afin de déterminer l'influence de ces derniers; il a été choisi un tensioactif anionique (DSS), cationique (BHTA), et un non ionique (DE6). Les résultats ont montré que quelle que soit la nature du tensioactif, celui-ci diminue toujours l'adsorption de l'atrazine pour des pH variant de 3,5 à 10 ce qui a pour conséquence une diminution à la fois de la constante de vitesse (Adams et Bohart) et de la capacité d'adsorption (Langmuir). L'étude de l'influence de l'ordre d'introduction des différents éléments participant à l'adsorption (CAP, atrazine, tensioactif) a montré que la fixation préalable de DSS anionique, favorisée en milieu acide, inhibe davantage l'élimination de l'atrazine. L'application des modèles d'adsorption compétitive et non compétitive de Langmuir n'a pas permis de définir avec certitude la nature des interactions entre l'herbicide et les différents tensioactifs.Atrazine, in spite of the restrictions concerning its use, remains one of the most prevalent pesticides in natural surface waters. If a sudden pollution incident occurs, powdered activated carbon (PAC) is used during the flocculation step of water treatment; under such circumstances, atrazine might be in adsorption competition with surfactants included in commercial formulations. The aim of this study was thus to determine the influence of three surfactants [anionic (sodium dodecylsulphate, SDS), cationic (hexadecyl-trimethylammonium bromide, HTAB) and nonionic (2-dodecyloxy-pentaethanoxy)-ethanol, DE6)] on atrazine adsorption onto PAC. At pH 5.5, adsorption onto PAC of atrazine alone was estimated to be 230 mg. g-¹; it was inhibited whatever the nature of the surfactant (cationic anionic or nonionic: figs. 2, 3 and 4). The adsorption capacities (Langmuir) and the kinetic constants (Adams & Bohart) decreased in the presence of the surfactants (table 4) and this diminution was most important for HTAB (fig. 5), perhaps the consequence of a steric effect.The adsorption onto PAC of the molecular form of atrazine (pK=1.68) was not affected by the pH variations. However, when the pH was increased (3.5 to 10) in the presence of SDS, adsorption onto PAC of the anionic surfactant decreased and atrazine adsorption increased (fig. 9). In contrast, for the same experimental conditions but with the cationic surfactant HTAB, adsorption of the surfactant increased over the pH range 3.5 to 10 and the relative adsorption of atrazine diminished (fig. 9). The nonionic surfactant DE6 had no influence.A study of the introduction order of the different components (atrazine, SDS surfactant and PAC) showed the same final equilibrium distribution of atrazine was obtained (fig. 10), regardless of the order of introduction. A similar result was obtained for the adsorption of SDS (fig. 11).For all these cases, the Langmuir equation yielded the adsorption capacity for atrazine and the equilibrium constant. However, competitive and noncompetitive adsorption models (table 1) were unsuccessful in predicting the nature of the interactions between atrazine and the surfactants (table 5)

    Emotional Resilience Emerges as Novel Aspect of Meta-Mood Experience: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Accounting for Data Censoring

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    Meta-mood experience refers to the thoughts and feelings that serve to monitor, evaluate, and at times change mood. The Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) was designed to gauge meta-mood experience along three factors: Attention, Clarity, and Repair. Previous factor analyses have verified this three-factor structure. However, one study by Palmer and colleagues found strong support for a four-factor structure. In light of this discrepancy, the present study aimed to replicate Palmer and colleagues’ study in a new sample, comparing the models they used to determine which is best-fitting. We also aimed to correct the effect of data point censoring when estimating the factor models. Data point censoring occurs when researchers have only partial information about the value of a variable. Because no previous research has explored the TMMS while accounting for potential censoring, we aimed to test this idea in the current sample. A total of 202 undergraduates completed the TMMS during an online study. To compare the models, we relied on Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). Results revealed that the four-factor model fit the data better than the three- and one-factor models tested. In the four-factor model, the first three factors corresponded to the previous Attention, Clarity, and Repair factors. We named the fourth factor Emotional Resilience because the items loading on this factor suggested resistance to negative emotional experiences. We suggest TMMS users calculate scale scores based on all four of these factors to provide a more detailed description of meta-mood experience

    Metabolic syndrome among children and adolescents in low and middle income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    BackgroundMetabolic syndrome (MetS) is a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors, which is rising in the low and middle income countries (LMICs). There are various studies with inconsistent findings that are inconclusive for policy makers and program planners. Thus, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed at estimating the pooled prevalence of MetS and its components in LMICs.MethodsElectronic searches were conducted in international databases including PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE (Elsevier), Scopus, CINAHL (EBSCOhost), Science direct (Elsevier), Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA), Global Health and Medline, and other sources (World Cat, Google Scholar, and Google). The pooled estimates were computed in the random effect model. The pooled prevalence was computed using the three diagnostic methods (IDF, ATP III and de Ferranti). Publication bias was verified using funnel plot and Egger's regression test. Subgroup and sensitivity analysis were performed to identify the possible sources of heterogeneity among the included studies.ResultIn this study, 142,142 children and adolescents from 76 eligible articles were included to compute the pooled prevalence of MetS and its components in LMCIs. MeTs among overweight and obese population was computed from 20 articles with the pooled prevalence of 24.09%, 36.5%, and 56.32% in IDF, ATP III and de Ferranti criteria, respectively. Similarly, a total of 56 articles were eligible to compute the pooled prevalence of MetS in the general population of children and adolescents. Hence, Mets was found in 3.98% (IDF), 6.71% (ATP III) and 8.91% (de Ferranti) of study subjects. Regarding the components of MetS, abdominal obesity was the major component in overweight and obese population and low HDL-C was the most common component in the general population. This study also revealed that males were highly affected by MetS than females.ConclusionThis study illustrates that MetS among children and adolescents is an emerging public health challenge in LMICs, where the prevalence of obesity is on the move. Preventive strategies such as community and school based intervention need to be designed. Promoting physical activities and healthy eating behaviors could avert this problem